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Dog Days of Summer


It feels as if I just wrote a little blurb about summer finally arriving about a week ago!

Why does summer go by so quickly?

For me, the term “Dog Days of Summer” is simply a flashback of good old fashioned, steamy hot & humid days.  Floating in the pool, no laundry, no cooking, no work (because it’s the weekend) and nothing pressing on my mind.  I understand it differs greatly from the Farmer’s Almanac explanation and the reference to Sirius (the Dog Star). Either way, I’m probably one of the few people who actually looks forward to this time of the year.

Most of you are probably extremely happy about summer ending.  My son told me just yesterday, I’m already in Fall mode!!  I know most of you are looking forward to cooler, crisp fall days.  NOT I!!  I happen to love the longer days filled with bright sunshine and beautiful warm summer nights.  Here we are, it’s the middle of August, kids are going back to school and Costco has Christmas decorations on display! Nooooooo!!!  I see people posting on Facebook about sweater weather and pumpkin spice lattes………….you all need to HOLD ON A MINUTE, summer is not over yet!!

I, for one, am excited to see some 90 degree days coming our way.  I’m wondering, what’s your favorite season?  If you have a moment, could you help me with a little survey? Please leave a comment and tell me about your favorite season.  Is there anyone who loves SUMMER as much as I do?

According to the people who call themselves meteorologists, we might be coming up on a possible heat wave over the next week. (I will believe it when I feel the actual heat)

Just in case your AC decides to stop working during this upcoming possible heatwave, here are a few ways you might want to troubleshoot before you call us:

  1. Air Filter: take a look, when was it changed last? Is it clean or time to get a new one?
  2. Air Flow: are your vents blocked? Is there air blowing? Check to make sure it’s not a breaker or even turned off (it really does happen!)
  3. Thermostat: make sure it is set to cool and a few degrees below your current indoor temperature.  If your thermostat uses batteries, try replacing them (especially if you’re like me and you can’t remember when or if you’ve ever replaced them?)
  4. Call Casa Heating & Cooling if you have questions regarding any of these troubleshooting steps or if you would like to schedule an appointment!


On another note, in my very first blog, I wrote about how great it is to find someone who has integrity and takes pride in their business.  I would like to tell you about the person who I was lucky enough to find to take care of our lawn service this summer.  The company is called Green Scapers. I am happy to say, they are located in River Grove and family owned.  I can tell you; our lawn has never looked better! They come every week and do an outstanding job.  This is someone who is honest, dependable and trustworthy.  Thank you, Dave, I am beyond happy to have you as our “lawn guy”!    If you are looking for an excellent lawn service, I highly recommend Green Scapers, you will not be disappointed!!

Check them out on Facebook:  Green Scapers Lawn Care LLC


Remember when I was so excited about the Summer in the Circle events starting?

Sadly, it seems that the Summer is the Circle Concert Series will conclude on Friday, August 25th with the D.A.R.E. Car Show (6:00pm to 9:00pm) and Kashmir: Led Zeppelin Tribute band at 7:00 pm

You know I will be there! Of course, I will also stop in at Circle Tavern for the best Smash Burger around and perhaps a nice cold summer beverage!

Ciao for now!

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